Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Monstrous Occasion

Although Halloween has already come and gone, I still wanted to share with you all my decor for the haunted holiday. I really love decorating my home for Halloween and Christmas every year, because holiday decor adds festivity to your home for the special occasion. My boyfriend Alex and I had a Halloween party at our apartment this year, so for the party I really wanted to decorate our home as much to the theme as possible. A lot of my decorations were ideas I came up with myself and others I researched inspiration on websites such as "pinterest". Although, my ideal recommendation for a Halloween filled website is Martha Stewart's official web page. Martha's favorite holiday is Halloween, therefore she has plenty of Halloween related content on her website. She offers crafty decor ideas, Fall recipes, floral arrangements and much more. Further, every year Martha releases a Halloween edition of her monthly magazine "Martha"! But this edition is more than your average issue. The magazine includes craft cut outs, tons of recipes and hundreds of glossy pages, featuring pictures of the holiday.

Here are some craft ideas of my own that I wanted to share!

Tape scary shaped cut outs underneath your lamp shade and it will project an eerie silhouette.

Medicine jars are a great accessory for Halloween decor, as they create the appearance of a haunted laboratory. Try placing items such as skeleton bones, eye balls or insects in a glass jar and you'll instantly create a spooky look.

An angry bird atop a rusty bird cage looks like it's straight out of a scene from "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre". I found my bird cage at Winners for $14.99 and the bird at the Dollarama! Truthfully, the majority of my Halloween decorations are from the dollar store. Decorating does not have to be expensive to look amazing, you just need to be creative.

I hope you all had a Happy Halloween and that you'll remember my decorating tips for next year! xo

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