Wednesday, August 10, 2011

5 Bloggers 5 Looks

While attending the Festival of Fashion and Design I shot one particularly special runway show. This year for the first time the festival presented a show crafted by five influential Montreal bloggers, including Gabrielle Lacasse, Robyn Chalmers, Patrick L'Aristocrate, Lolitta Dandoy and Marie Darsingny. Each blogger styled five outfits and the show was appropriately named "Collective: 5 Bloggers, 5 Looks". The show was a beautiful demonstration of the knowledge and love that bloggers have for fashion and authenticated that bloggers know style and know what they're talking about. Each blogger's style ranged drastically from vintage and lace to dark and modern, appealing to all demographics in the audience. One blogger in particular, Lolitta Dandoy, who is a blogger for fashion magazine, Clin d'oeil featured one of my photos on her web blog post. It was a pleasure meeting Lolitta, along with all of the other bloggers and it is wonderful to see my photograph on such a credible website. Thank you, Lolitta!

(Top Image: All other photos by Amy Lee Corkum)

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